

As we continue to provide safe avenues of service, 学生可以通过我们符合HIPAA的Zoom平台选择面对面的咨询会议或远程会议.

如果你是一名学生,你有兴趣与我们开始咨询,请中文博彩平台 counseling@1491dawnhill.com 或致电325-671-2272.  Calling or emailing will allow us to schedule you an appointment. We will respond to emails and voicemails within 1-2 business days.

如果你处于危机之中,或者担心自己或他人的安全, 拨打9-1-1或HSU警察325-670-1911或前往最近的急诊室. Please do not leave a phone or email message. 




Virtual Support Groups


  • If you are overwhelmed or in crisisthe Disaster Distress Helpline 提供全天候支持.  拨打1-800-985-5990或发送短信TalkWithUs至66746,与训练有素的危机咨询师联系.
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Text “START” to 741-741 to reach the 危机短信热线.

中国赌博平台使命相结合,促进有意义的参与和转变, 心理咨询服务办公室旨在通过以下方式促进整体健康:

  • 提供咨询、咨询、培训、预防和教育;
  • 与学生,员工和教师合作,以确保最丰富的护理可能;
  • 创造一个支持性的环境来培养情感、精神、关系、身体和学术
    formation; and
  • 通过培养对自己和他人更深层次的爱来促进社区健康.


The HSU Counseling Department provides consultation, 评价, 支持, 为那些面临影响他们健康问题的学生提供短期咨询. Our focus involves crisis intervention and stabilization, 以及传统的心理治疗在广泛的治疗方法.

All full and part-time students are eligible to receive free, 保密, and voluntary counseling services at HSU, 但并不是所有的学生都有资格见我们的大学辅导员. Eligibility is determined by severity of need. 在线填写一份入学表格,开始接受我们的咨询服务. If you do not qualify to receive counseling with the campus counselor, 你将被转介到HSU心理咨询中心或其他适当的社区资源.

如果您有其他问题,请发送电子邮件至咨询服务办公室 counseling@1491dawnhill.com 或访问我们的FAQ页面.

OCS在整个学期中根据需要提供小组治疗和研讨会. If you are interested in a particular group and/or workshop, please let us know and we will do our best to help meet your needs.

  • Suggestions for new groups or workshops are always welcome!
  • 正念
  • 婚前
  • 教师 and 工作人员 Wellness
  • Soar: Sexual Abuse and Assault
  • Support for specific populations: freshmen, 退伍军人, 同性恋群体, 运动员, 焦虑/抑郁, 药物滥用, 国际学生, 等.
  • 悲伤
  • 健康的关系

Download our additional counseling 资源 by 点击这里.



There are countless benefits to seeing a counselor. 他们可以为你提供支持,显著促进你的心理健康, cope with stress and difficult life situations, and refer you to additional 资源.

Some of the benefits of going to see a counselor include:

  • 帮助你以更健康的方式更快地走出困境.
  • Coping skills to heal through current & 未来的生活状况.
  • Learning to manage stress, anxiety, 等.
  • 保密:你可以和专业人士谈论你正在经历的挣扎或困难, 第三方的局外人, with the security and privacy of a strict 保密ity agreement.
  • 确定你是在经历情境压力还是心理健康问题——进行诊断, 治疗, 资源, and recommendations either way.
  • Prevent potential mental health issues from becoming a crisis.
  • 支持对性别认同和性问题的困惑……以及更多!
  • 我们是来帮忙的.

If you feel that you may not be functioning well either emotionally, socially or academically, we encourage you to make an appointment. 我们需要进行评估,然后就哪条路线是最好的提供专业意见.

Current HSU students are eligible to use the counseling center.

No. 任何需要谈论引起关注或困扰的问题的人都欢迎咨询师.

Counseling is available at no cost for HSU students.


Students who wish to receive services can fill out this intake:  http://hsucounseling.clientsecure.me/ can email counseling@1491dawnhill.com 或致电325-671-2272 and leave your information.

不,你的学习成绩严格来说就是你的学术历史记录. 咨询中心的档案是保密的,与你的学习成绩分开保管.

In order to balance the demands for services, 调度, and presenting concerns, 一些学生可能会去看大学辅导员,而另一些学生可能会被转介到家庭心理中心去看训练中的辅导员. 您最初的电话或面谈评估将帮助我们确定最适合您的服务水平.

咨询服务 offers short-term, 灵活的咨询,以满足不同的关注和需求为目的. Some students feel better after one session, while additional appointments are more helpful for other students. 咨询服务在第一次会议期间与学生合作,根据他或她目前的担忧,确定最适合每个人的方法. 当学生的需求似乎最好由校外机构来满足时, counselors also provide referrals.

你告诉辅导员的秘密是受德州卫生法保护的, 你的咨询记录不会记录在学业记录或就业档案上. HSU咨询服务不会与教师分享信息(包括学生是否访问过咨询服务), 工作人员, 父母, or other students on campus without your written permission. 在极少数情况下(涉及人身安全),对保密有一些限制. 详细信息将在学生第一次访问咨询服务时以书面形式提供给学生.

万一发生危机, contact the University Counselor, the Residence Director (RD) on call, 或者校园警察.

如果学生正在经历心理危机,需要医疗救助, or is experiencing a psychological crisis of a medical nature (i.e. 自残、服药过量、药物无反应),立即呼叫急救中心和/或HSU警察. 如果学生正在经历不需要医疗救助的心理危机, contact the University Counselor at 325-671-2272 for an assessment.

Talking to a friend whom you’re concerned about can be difficult. 大学辅导员可以帮助你找出如何进行谈话的方法,并根据你的具体情况提供建议. If your friend isn’t receptive to your suggestions, consider talking with a faculty or 工作人员 member, 比如教授, 迪安, 或RA寻求进一步帮助. If the situation is urgent and you are concerned for their safety, don’t hesitate to call campus police.